EVERY Tuesday Solar Training Online Info Session
YOUR chance to get plugged into the emerging clean energy industry! Attend our info sessions that happen every Tuesday, learn more, ask questions and stay updated on future solar installation trainings. Click this link to sign up now!

BlueBlocks Floating Garden Launch at the Waterfront Museum
Join us to celebrate this launch and innovation built by our city’s youth. This event is FREE, register now!

Floating Garden Launch Part Deux
Are you ready for the next generation of gardens in the water? We’re excited to let you know that we’re launching our second garden site! On the other side of Red Hook at the Waterfront Museum, our partner barge-based community space, we would love for you to join this community building event.
It’s on June 9th and June 8th is actually World Ocean Day - so the timing is significant as we try to advance urban ocean stewardship. Get a chance to learn about all things RETI Center and help us grow into new waters. Click here to join now!

Infinite Mussel Party 2024
The Infinite Mussel Party is back! Join us at the RETI Field Station, hosted by GBX~, for a night on the Gowanus Bay. More info and ticket link coming soon!

Urban Ocean Stewardship Conference
Kelp Cultivation in NYC
Location: The Research Yard at Brooklyn Navy Yard
Building 3, Floor 7, 63 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11205
Kelp has grabbed the attention of sustainability and restoration efforts from around the world due to its many climate benefits coupled with low-impact cultivation compared to other agriculture and aquaculture ventures. This half-day conference will open up a conversation and dialogue with experts and practitioners from the field: growers in NY Harbor, scientists, and environmental justice advocates. We’ll hear answers to questions such as: How can we use the kelp we grow in and around New York Harbor? What impacts can kelp have on water quality, carbon, community, and biodiversity? What limitations and opportunities are growers experiencing? What does it take to start a kelp operation in your community?

Open House NY
Visit RETI Center's unique living, floating lab for sustainable industry hosted by GBX~ Gowanus Bay Terminal, in South Brooklyn. Floating on a barge in the Gowanus Bay, the RETI Center pilots design strategies and innovations to live with the rising sea level. See floating concrete, BlueBlock biophilic marsh gardens, the water gallery for kelp gardens, and a bio-gas digester. Learn about the future of these 4.5 acres that will be transformed into a new vision for coastal living.

Solar Training Info Session
The Roof RETI Solar Installation Training program aims to equip participants with valuable skills and knowledge in the growing field of renewable energy. The program covers various aspects of solar pv installation, including safety protocols, permitting, business and marketing, OSHA certification, GPRO certification, and more. Training will be instructed by experienced professionals in the field who are dedicated to providing comprehensive and hands-on training. Join us for an info session to learn more!
Sign up for info session HERE.

Leverage your Rooftop for Community Solar! (Copy)
RETI Center and NYC 2030 District are hosting two info sessions during Climate Week for building owners and property managers interested in hosting a Community Solar system. Join us on September 19 or September 20 to learn about rooftop leasing, tax incentives, and other benefits of becoming a Community Solar host site.

Leverage your Rooftop for Community Solar!
RETI Center and NYC 2030 District are hosting two info sessions during Climate Week for building owners and property managers interested in hosting a Community Solar system. Join us on September 19 or September 20 to learn about rooftop leasing, tax incentives, and other benefits of becoming a Community Solar host site.

Solar Training Info Session
The Roof RETI Solar Installation Training program aims to equip participants with valuable skills and knowledge in the growing field of renewable energy. The program covers various aspects of solar pv installation, including safety protocols, permitting, business and marketing, OSHA certification, GPRO certification, and more. Training will be instructed by experienced professionals in the field who are dedicated to providing comprehensive and hands-on training. Join us for an info session to learn more!
Sign up for info session HERE.

City of Water Day
Build a Floating Garden Saturday, July 15, 11-4pm
RETI Center is hosting a City of Water Day workshop at our Field Station that is sponsored by GBX~ Gowanus Bay Terminal. Join us to help build and launch our next Floating Garden. Handbuilt by volunteers like you, they create a mini-ecosystem that incorporates marsh grasses, mussels, oysters, and kelp. You'll help us build one using only salvaged and sustainable materials like scaffolding planks, reclaimed fishing nets, wine corks, salvage steel, and more. All skill levels and ages welcome. Refreshments, all tools and supplies provided.
City of Water Day, organized by the Waterfront Alliance, the NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary Program, and The Hudson River Foundation, helps raise awareness about the dangers we all face from sea level rise and climate change, and to advocate for a climate resilient New York and New Jersey harbor.

Infinite Mussel Party
Please join us for our Spring Celebration at the RETI Field Station on the Gowanus Bay at GBX Terminal. A climate-action barge floating in the industrial landscape of South Brooklyn.
Tickets can be purchased here.
Join RETI Center and learn about our Mussel and Sugar Kelp Aquaculture Program, BlueBlock Floating Gardens, Local Power, and more.
An evening of gumbo, cocktails, and dancing
Generously sponsored by GBX~ Gowanus Bay Terminals

Ocean Stewardship from the Bronx to Brooklyn
Ocean Stewardship from the Bronx to Brooklyn
A Boat Tour Envisioning Ecology, Economy and Equity for East River Communities
A special event in support of New York Water Week and the UN Water Summit
Suggested donation: $55 with box lunch included
New Yorks's coastlines are rebounding with kelp farms, constructed salt marshes, floating gardens, and access for low-income populations, all built by community activists, but ecological restoration and environmental justice still aren't a priority for the city's megaprojects. Tour the East River from Bronx Kill Park to Gowanus Bay with community and environmental justice activists to see their remarkable revitalization projects as guide you through the past, present and future of New York’s coastline and marginalized communities. New York Harbor is the 6th Borough, the defining feature and least empowered part of the metropolis. Learn how a community-driven response to the changing climate and a transition to a carbon-free economy can catalyze an equitable and sustainable future for our collective benefit.
This 3-hour guided boat tour will take us from 34th St Ferry Landing to the Bronx, future site of South Bronx Unite’s Bronx Kill Park and then return downriver to Red Hook, Brooklyn to RETI Center’s BlueCity at GBX~ Gowanus Bay Terminal. The afternoon will be spent with advocates and activists representing communities along the East River and NY NJ Harbor Estuary who have expertise and knowledge on how large-scale infrastructure must meet the needs of our local citizens and ecosystems. We will be discussing NYC and other metropolis-scale plans for sea level rise and climate events. The focus will be on nature-based solutions, equitable access, and visionary solutions that can benefit all species in the face of hard infrastructure proposals such as the US Army Corps of Engineers Harbor & Tributaries Focus Area Feasibility Study [HATS].

Local Power Community Solar Info Session
Switch your electric account to Local Power, a brand new community solar program that lets you cut your energy costs every month. You'll start getting your power from large-scale solar energy systems on commercial buildings in the neighborhood. That means you can go solar without installing a system on your roof - the savings guaranteed, and it's free to sign-up!
Help us create our local green power system. You'll learn where the systems are being installed and we'll discuss opportunities for investment and even ownership in a program that benefits the whole community, including training and jobs for our low-income populations.

Urban Ocean Stewardship
What will it take to expand New York City’s floating infrastructure for the development of ecologically sustainable water-borne uses around the coastal edge?
Industry experts, academic and research institutions, and marine advocacy and nonprofit groups join city officials for an engaged analysis of the past and current state of affairs, and the prospects and strategies for the future of the blue/green economy on the city’s coastal waters.
Please join the RETI Center and the Dutch Consulate for a half-day conference and workshop.

BlueBlocks Floating Gardens - Open House New York
Talks at noon and 2pm by the designers from thread collective and RETI Center staff.
BlueBlocks are modular, floating, semi-submersible structures for challenging urban edge conditions, creating small salt marsh archipelagos that provide a range of ecological benefits for humans and other species. RETI Center BlueCity at GBX~ Gowanus Bay Terminal uses BlueBlocks to create a unique garden on the Red Hook waterfront.
The tour will bring you out onto the barge where you will experience a unique spot in the industrial waterfront of New York. These gardens link to the issues of sea level rise, coastal adaptation, and nature-based solutions to create a more resilient future. Learn about the design and fabrication techniques employed to create a hospitable environment for a variety of marine life.
In addition, we will showcase the Sugar Kelp marine farm, created in collaboration with LaGuardia College and Lazy Point Farms, that will be launched in the winter months.

Local Power Info Session (Virtual)
Local Power Community Solar- Info Session on how to Subscribe!
Shrink Your Electric Bill and Your Carbon Footprint! Join us for an Information Session about the new community solar program in Red Hook.

Big Walk 2022
Please join professor Louise Harpman and other urban enthusiasts as we explore Brooklyn’s Working Waterfront for the 11th annual BIG WALK. Highlights include PortSide New York, Louis Valentino, Jr. Park and Pier, RETI Center’s BlueCity at the GBX Gowanus Bay Terminal, Culver Viaduct, and the Gowanus Dredgers Canoe Club.

Fridays for Future Volunteer Day
A weekly all-ages volunteer day focused on developing resilient technology and construction projects on our Field Station in the Gowanus Bay. No experience necessary!

Fridays for Future Volunteer Day
A weekly all-ages volunteer day focused on developing resilient technology and construction projects on our Field Station in the Gowanus Bay. No experience necessary!

Fridays for Future Volunteer Day
A weekly all-ages volunteer day focused on developing resilient technology and construction projects on our Field Station in the Gowanus Bay. No experience necessary!